Cryptocurrencies: 2.4M+
Markets: 752
ICO's: 5,029
Market Cap: $2.24T
24h Vol: $97.71B
Mining now

Mining now

Mining now


Mining now – is an association, created by AA!LAB, for industrial mining of crypto currencies.

About Mining now

The key difference between "Mining Now!" project and similar offers that already exist on the market, are:

  1. Already existing mining capacities that work and bring profits before a cryptocurrency emission. It is possible to see them personally.
  2. Presence of own cryptocurrency (tokens) named MNW, possession of which gives the right to use a part of the computing capacities that belong to Mining Now!
  3. Farms construction in places with the cheapest electricity, cooperation with big companies that have a large surplus of electrical capacity and ready infrastructure. Thus, indirect costs are minimized. We do not build or buy expensive electrical equipment, such as step-down transformers. We focus on what we can do best-creating the most efficient capacities for generating cryptocurrencies.

The Team

Aleksei Zenkov

Founder and CEO

Vadim Shakhovcev


Aleksander Zenkov


Georgios Prodromu

Head of the Legal Department

Gennadiy Chervonenko

Head of community management

Aleksander Raevskiy

Manager of the regional project

Gregor Short



Token Info

Platform Type
Price in ICO
1 MNW= 9-10 EUR
Tokens for sale

Investment Info

This data is not yet available.

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