Cryptocurrencies: 2.4M+
Markets: 753
ICO's: 5,029
Market Cap: $2.37T
24h Vol: $83.17B
B21 is a fintech company headquartered in Gibraltar and is the developer of a personal wealth management platform exclusively for cryptoassets. B21 is a mobile focused investment platform that enables the mass market to create their own portfolio of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS and many others.

Currently investing in cryptoassets is a very complex and cumbersome process. Investors need to be tech savvy and have a good understanding of cryptocurrencies and related technologies. As a result, the general public is reluctant to participate in the value creation taking place. B21 will make investing in cryptoassets available to the mass market.
31 Oct 2018
End Date
≈ 12 B21
Max Rewards
≈ 2 USD
Estimated Value

Airdrop Description

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Click on ''Airdrop'' from the dashboard and submit your details to earn 12 B21 tokens. 

Click ''Orders & Claims'' once the tasks are verified and submit your Ethereum wallet address in order to receive the 12 B21 tokens. 


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